Combat Stress vs MUD!

05 Mar 2025
Inspired by the wonderful videos and photos received, just in the first weekend, the team at Tyrwhitt House (Combat Stress' Head Office) made the most of the sunshine and took on their March in March challenge on 5 March.

Leaving from Leatherhead in high spirits, the team were hard to miss snaking their way through the town centre in their bright orange T-shirts. Once away from the hustle and bustle of town, we headed into stunning Surrey countryside and up to Langley Vale Centenary Woods and the Regiment of Trees. Taking a quiet moment of reflection and a team photo, we plodded on, ticking the miles off as we enjoyed spending time together away from our desks and soaking up the Spring sunshine.

With 2.5 miles (4km) to go we headed onto Ashtead Common and that's when things went a littlle down hill...

Having had no rain for over a week, and the ground up to now, being dry, it was a surprise to come across a patch of mud as we made our way across the Common. Only, it wasn't just a patch of mud, what stood between us and a return to dry ground, our desks and lunch, was over a mile of ankle deep, bramble infested mud!

After numerous piggy backs, two falls, and lots of laughter and we eventually crossed the road back to Tyrwhitt House.