Aaron's March to Give Back

08 Mar 2025

This challenge was definitely something I was determined to do not for myself but more to give back to Combat Stress.

I was in a dark place in Nov 2023 and had made a decision to take my own life but not for some intervention from a good friend and a call i received from combat stress asking me to help out with a donation to help fellow veterans.

My decision was to march (As best that an ex-ACC Army Catering Corps chef could do) so it was going to be from our local social club (Culter mills social club in Peterculter to the British Legion steps in Banchory Royal Deeside) a distance of 13.6miles

I had given myself 4hrs to complete this so on Sat  8 March I set off and I had a back up team of 4 other veterans 

Billy ex-RAF 

Paul ex-Army signals 

Ivor ex Merchant Navy  

Peter ex-Para

These guys were fantastic and allowed me to set off and kept a distance of approx 500yrds this allowed me the space to have my own thoughts and space to complete a challenge which I felt I needed to do own my own if that makes sense.

On completing the challenge in 3.5hrs I was so chuffed & at the finish I was met by Scott Traynor former RSM 1 Armoured Transport Regiment / 7 Transport Regiment. Scott was our chair at the (Deeside Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club) and he had decided to step down from this role and I was asked to take over which I am so proud to have accepted.

This allows us veterans to get together on the 1st Sunday of each month for breakfast at the Legion.

The best part of Scott meeting me at the finish was to present me a cheque for £250 on behalf of the Breakfast Club to go toward my total for the March in March for Combat Stress