
Winter running ❄️❄️❄️

So over the month of Nov I have noticed a huge drop in temp outside. Right now it’s -2. 

I have been very busy keeping up my miles and trying to throw in some weight training too. 

I recently completed the Race To Remember on the 11 Nov which was 36km starting from Petersfield all the way to HMS Warrior in the docks in Portsmouth. I was a little nervous at the start but feeling very good. I had dialled my training down a little and made sure I was well fed. I moved from the walking challenge to the run as I wanted to see where I was progressing. Plus this was the first time running with a full vest and working out what was going to be my aid station strategy. 

I’m so so pleased to say I completed the challenge with about 85% of the time running. I couldn’t be prouder of myself and shed a little tear as I crossed the finish line. (Plus I forgot to pause my Garmin as I stopped). 

I had one goal and that was to complete it. I set little goals in my head which was to listen to my body and what I needed. I wanted to complete it before the light faded but this was a sideline. Have good admin at the aid stations and eat as much as I wanted. I soon learnt Soreen was my go to thing. A few sweets, salted nuts and flat coke were a firm favourite. Who knew this running stuff meant I could stuff my face and no one judged me in fact they encouraged me to eat more!! 

Finishing the event I learnt a lot, not only about tweaks to kit but how my body reacted and progressed over the day. My only small gripe was my second toe nail was sore - Googling padded socks next but overall I wasn’t too bad. I was tired at the end but it was a good exhaustion! (Toenails have gone a bit black now 🤢🤕). 

I was on an absolute high and proud to have done it. Thank you to those who gave me the support and encouragement. Meant so much to me. 

My next Tori adventure is a half marathon across the Breacon middle of Dec. This one is more technical and trail run focussed. So what I have learnt on this event this will be the next dial up from it. I’m really looking forward to it and have started to work out races for next year to fill my calendar to test me further. 

Thank you to everyone who has believed in me so far. I’m working super hard to get me in the right place and doing as much as I can to get me in the right place. 

Few things I have learned from winter running:
- gloves, hats are a must
- decent winter running gear. 
- good layering system!!! Can always take some off when you get too warm. 
- head torch, it’s getting dark really early and I’m lucky to have a good torch. Helps me feel a bit safer too! 
- be visible! I now run in my high vis jacket to make sure I am seen. 
- gritters bloody hurt when they come thundering past you!!!!

I have some good kit now that I can fall on and I’ve learnt so much about some good and bad things to watch out for! 

Here’s to my next race. 

A new 10K PB

It all seems I have been a bit quiet on the trg front but it couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Yesterday I attended the 10km Duxford Dash, feeling a little nervous I slowly warmed up (which was a challenge in itself as the start time kept sliding right. 

I soon set off with one goal that I knew I must achieve and that was complete. I had a second goal to run the entire way and my third goal to beat my last 10km time from the New forest. 

Now this was a totally different challenge there was no beautiful forest to lose your mind in. Running along the runway and around the track to a hairpin back on yourself, twice for the 10km, was a true test on my mental strength. I had bought some bone conducting earphones and they are fantastic! I put on my Epic Battle Music (so it’s labelled) and I was soon on my way. 

I knew from the first km I was on a positive cadence and pace, a bit faster than what I was normally doing. But my legs felt brilliant my breathing in a good rhythm and I was in my groove. 

The race went very quickly (or so I thought) the last km I decided to stretch out my stride and push for that last effort. Crossing the finish line with a massive grin on my face I completed all three of my goals. I was a whole 9mins faster than the New Forest score or approx 50seconds faster on each km over the whole 10km. 

I was over the moon!!! Big thanks to my support crew on the day helping to sort William and my nerves out. 

I also feel I have recovered quicker. Today I went for a gentle stroll with William and I had no aches or sores. 

Back on it tomorrow with another gentle run and a gentle workout in the gym 🥰🥰. Feeling like all my hard work is paying dividends and I’m loving this running regime. 

5Km trg complete

Since I’ve had my Garmin I’ve been obsessed with tracking my stats. From step count to resting heart rate. 

The Garmin app has some great training programmes and I decided to do the couch to 5Km package. It was very easily laid out and explained to me the training along with some great videos for hints and tips. 

Yesterday I completed my 5Km training with (surprise) a 5Km run. Knowing I had smashed a 10km not long ago I was aiming to improve on my time and see just how fit I had become. 

I not only completed the 5Km with relative ease but hit a target of 34 mins! I am absolutely stoked as I was hoping for around the 40 min mark, as predicted with training I was hitting the 45 min mark. To be a whole 11 mins quicker has made me feel on top of the world. 

I have also had lots of people tell me I’m looking ‘fitter’ and after jumping on the scales I have lost just over one stone, 7kg in total. 

I never thought I would enjoy my running as much as I have but it’s certainly a bug I have picked up and loving ever part. The good runs, the weight loss and the euphoric feeling when hitting a goal is amazing. 

Lots more booked in for the future to test me, my equipment and my resilience. 

New equipment

So I was told never try anything new on race day. 

Delivered through my door I had some products from a company called Tailwind which should fuel me during my race. I decided today to give it a go and see how I find drinking it, not only how my stomach would take it, but also task loading as trying to drink when running can knock you off your pace and balance. 

I had the multi pack to try all flavours and went for the Lemon today. It was really easy to mix and tasted amazing. 

I decided to load up my little flask bottles that will sit at the front of my vest to see how this would have effected my running balance and how comfortable I would be. I soon learned to switch the bottles over when empty as I have my phone in my left pocket and when the right was empty made it feel odd. But I managed it and I found it had no real effect on my pace. 

I have also invested in new socks (love new sock feeling). I have bought some Skins compression socks as I’ve been told these can help with running and recovery. Now I did go to the gym this morning and concentrated on legs (silly Tori) so my quads were feeling a little tight. I can’t say the socks made me worse but now I’m running further distances I can try these out properly. Just not on leg day at the gym. 

So my equipment for the race is pretty much set. My run this morning was very positive and I’m feeling very good over it all. 



So today I travelled down to the New Forest and signed myself up for the 10K race. 

I was bricking myself. Turning up this is the first time I had ever done something like this and I wanted a good bench mark to see how my training was going. In the warm up I was having a few second thoughts, maybe I had bitten off more than I can chew (typical Tori) and should have signed up for the 5K. Looking around there looked to be some serious athletes. 

So I nestled myself at the back of the pack, I wanted to get a good pace set and just stay at that. 

My main goal was to complete it. My bonus goal was to run the entire way and not stop. My third goal was to complete it in an hour and a half. 

Well i smashed all three. Finishing at 1hr 18 mins, I ran the entire way and was feeling on top of the world. The run was very well set out over a varied terrain (similar to what I will do in June) and some hills. Running through the finish line with people cheering on was euphoric. 

I have never eaten a banana so quick in my life, after collecting my shirt, medal and energy drink I made my way home. It was a little bit of an emotional time in the car, I’m not one to pat myself on the back or say I’m proud of my achievement. But I was very proud. 

Now onto my next adventure - Tori style. 

Little wins

With time off on holiday in Rome  with family I was concerned that I would hamper my training. 

I made sure 95% of the time we walked, plus you get to see more of the city and find some little gems like an amazing gelato shop. 

The home of pasta and pizza (carb central) I made sure I moderated my intake and upped my steps. Over the 4 days I smashed over 100,000 steps which I was very happy about. One day I managed just over 32,000. 

So after a rush to get home Thurs eve (delays etc) Friday I used as a gentle run day. 

Up early Saturday I went to the gym and decided to focus on my leg muscles. Then my Garmin suggested a 1.6km run (as part of the running programme I am on). I thought why not and set off feeling good. 

Afterwards I noticed my VO2 had improved and I got a new PB on a km. I also found that running up the slight hill a lot easier and I was finding my heart rate was sitting fairly comfortable. 

I hadn’t noticed any improvements since I’ve started but this has given me a huge boost of confidence (maybe it’s the endorphins still running in my body). So I am looking at entering a 10Km race down in the Newforest in a couple of weeks time. Looking at challenging myself and pushing further. 

Training, training and more training.

So I smashed three PB tonight. Fastest 1K, fastest 5K and longest run. 

I was bought a Garmin for my birthday and I’ve got to say I’m addicted to looking at my stats. It’s the perfect way to track my steps (aiming for 10K a day this month then increase this to 12.5K next month and so on). My calorie intake, so I know when I can treat myself to my fav chocolate a Picnic. And logging my runs. I’m down the gym three times a week now and running at least four times a week. It’s also fab to work out heart zones and it gives me a great target and how to really narrow in what I want to achieve. 

I’ve also been diving a lot - after some research who knew that each dive causes me to burn nearly 400 calories (dependant on depth and time). I’m not surprised lugging the heavy weight down to the shore side! But I have been loving my fitness journey so far and really pushing myself. I feel like I need another big hill walk soon with I have two weeks of holidays coming up. 

But training won’t lessen! There will be lots of walking and activities. Plus the hotel has a gym so can take myself down and smash an hour before lazing at the side of the pool. Maybe, just maybe, my body battery will be at 100% in a morning instead of 60% 😂. 

Running in the rain

So tonight I smashed a PB on my run and I blame the rain. That said I actually enjoyed running in the cooler air 🥰 plus there is something quite soothing about listening to the rain drops as I’m plodding along. 

Anyone that has been following my main page has seen I’ve done some long hill walks recently. Including the Peak and Lake District. I loved walking up Pavey Ark and had a go at a grade 1 scramble that tested my whole body (and mind). The views were immense and totally worth it, plenty of pics were taken. Looking fwd to Autumn and the changes to routines especially darker nights 😭. Got to say I am a sun worshipper but I guess I’ll just have to learn to run with a head torch. Lots of body changes too which is good and have certainly noticed a change. 

Lots of walking

So to help condition myself ready for the event I have increased my walking distances. 

I did at the weekend a four mile hike by a beautiful place called Barmouth. The views were a little limited with the howling rain and wind. But I made it to the top!! Maybe a little win but for me it meant so much. I then topped that off with a four mile round trip to the local pub 😍. All healthy food I assure you. 

I have also started to add in some smaller runs to increase my heart rate (the 1500ft climb definitely did that). Smashed a 5 mile run and feeling very positive. 

It’s begun…

So for the last few weeks I have been eating a lot healthier (I’ll excuse the chocolate muffin William fed me last night) trying to kick start my programme. I have also the past few weeks increased my walking distance including on a Wednesday plenty of hill reps to get the glutes and hamstrings working. 

Plenty more planned with gradual gym routines to be included in the upcoming weeks. Not wanting to throw myself too much in the deep end and injure myself. But all seems very positive so far. 😊

The beginning

So the first step is joining up and getting a plan in place. 

We’ve done the first part, the latter not so much….yet. But we are both determined to get to where we need to be and complete this. So wish us look….now furiously watching and researching fitness techniques….

Support my D-Day Challenge

In honour of our forefathers as well as current servicemen who have bravely fought to protect our way of life, I will be taking on the D-Day Challenge to raise vital funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

The D-Day 44 Challenge commemorates the 1944 Allied invasion of occupied France. I will be heading to Normandy, to race across its picturesque beaches, finishing at the historic Pegasus Bridge on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, 6 June 2024.

Combat Stress is the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health. For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict.

I’m taking on D-Day Challenge to help take vital strides towards ensuring veterans can get the support they need.

Thank you so much for your support.

My Achievements

Created a Team

Uploaded Profile Pic

Shared fundraising page

First Donation

Raised £250

Raised £500

Raised £750

Raised £1000

Reached Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Alex Wright

Best of luck Tori - I know you'll smash it 💪 🎽🏃‍♀️ 🏆




Tina Ruffell

You will smash it! 🙌