Mark Budden

My Activity Tracking


My target 300 kms

36K Run in November

Running on Remembrance weekend raising money and awareness for Combat Stress that is a charity helping ex-servicemen and women who suffer from mental health issues such as PTSD

I know many people who are ex military and also plenty of people whom suffer from mental health issues. 

We heard stories of young men going to war and suffering from Shell-shock (which is PTSD) and also it being 80 years since D-Day there is lots of thoughts about those who survived but friends/family didn't but never spoke about what happened because of PTSD. The same is happening now with wars and peace keeping efforts around the world.
Any little amount you wish to sponsor me as I do a 36Km run from Petersfield over the South Downs to Portsmouth Naval Dockyards on 9th November 2024 will be gratefully received to help those whom struggle with mental health issues from defending our country and helping others around the world lead a peaceful life.

Support my Race to Remember

This year I will be taking part in Race to Remember to raise vital funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

Combat Stress is the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health. For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict.

I’m taking on Race to Remember to help take vital steps towards ensuring veterans can get the support they need.

Thank you so much for your support.

My Achievements

Created a Team

Uploaded Profile Pic

Shared fundraising page

Raised £250

Raised £500

Raised £750

Raised £1000

Completed my Race to Remember

Reached Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Marion And Mark

Wishing you well. Good luck 👍


Jackson Family.

Good luck Mark. From the jackson family.



Mark Have a great run for a great cause



Good luck Mark!




Gordon, Lisa & Bisbeth

Go Mark - you’ll smash this!


Hannu, Ashveni And Rio

Well Done!


Jill Budden

Good luck



Go well Mark!




Lorraine Bowden

Well done & good luck! X


Von Goodwin

So impressed with you!! Good luck xx