Fiona Heppinstall

My Activity Tracking


My target 10 mi

6th March - Halton Moor Nature Reserve

Another bright, sunny day, another day when plans changed. Temple Newsam was the chosen destination but the car park was full and over flowing so we opted for Halton Moor Nature Reserve instead. It was lovely,  found a weir and a playground where Hunty enjoyed the slide! 

5th Match 4th walk

Another bright, sunny day so headed off to Pontefract Racecourse again, got half way round and decided to retrace my steps, so still walked 2 miles but for the 2nd half, had a different view! Back at the Lake where the surrounding bank has been refurbished,  I literally marched round it in 7 minutes and a quick burn off. Another day tomorrow. 

3rd active day - 4th March

Today didn't go quite as planned. 'The Reason' I'm doing this Marching in March went to the GP this morning who promptly sent him to A & E with a bad chest infection or was it something worse? Luckily, nothing worse but it has meant we have spent most of the day at the hospital.  So it isn't an official Walk but I ve certainly put a few steps in.  More tomorrow and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE DONATIONS!! XX

March 2nd - Day 2

It was a another bright sunny but chilly morning. Another walk around Pontefract Racecourse clocking up another 2+ miles. Really looking forward to the rest of the month with lots more walks planned with lots of people: family, friends: ex WRAF,  and from Tunstall Response too. Thank you all. xx

1st March - 1st walk

It couldn't have been better weather. Walked 2.4 miles around Pontefract Racecourse with Andy and Hunty. We met Kat and Nova afterwards at the park as Nova had been swimming at Aspire and demonstrating strokes for others learning.  

1st post

I aim to walk as many days in March as I can. It may only be 0.5mile or it maybe a lot more but I want to raise awareness of Combat Stress and the great work they do in helping veterans from WW2 to conflicts to date, to deal with Post Traumatic Stress from their experiences. 
It is very personal to me as my husband suffered with PTSD before it was a real known thing in the early 90's. Sadly it lead to the breakdown of our marriage but the good news is that he got help with Combat Stress who taught him how to deal life and showed him to change the way he thought of different situations. The even better news is that we got back together and married again 3 years ago. So I, for one, want to say thank you to Combat Stress. I had both knees replaced 2 years ago, so I will walk as far as they will allow me! 

Support my March in March

This year I will be taking on March in March to raise vital funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

Combat Stress is the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health. For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict.

I’m taking on March in March to help take vital steps towards ensuring veterans can get the support they need.

Thank you so much for your support and together we march!

My Achievements

Uploaded profile pic

Shared page

Self donated

Raised £250

Raised £500

Raised £750

Reached Fundraising Goal

Created a Team

Completed my challenge

Thank you to my Sponsors


Michael Heppinstall

Donating on behalf of Michael Heppinstall who says 'Thank you Combat Stress, my life was very different before your help'.


Alison Heckermann

Well done so far, and keep going!


Fiona Heppinstall


Deborah Stock


Ann Binks

You can do this Fiona. Best of luck x


Joan Geeson

Well done Fiona, I know you’ll smash it! xx


Victoria Milne

Well done Fi! Xxx 😘


Stephen Heppinstall

From Stephen Heppinstall


Michelle Burns




Andrew Heppinstall


Valerie Couper

Well done fiona. Keep going


Kat Mcgowan



Wishing you the best of luck <3


Terri Veitch

Such a good cause Fiona, good luck xxx


Emily Scott

Smash it 🩷🩷


Caroline H

Well done Fiona. Keep going.


Diane King

Good luck fiona


Jane Webster

Go Girl!!! Remember book me in for one of your walkies xx I've got plenty of Lycra leggings if you need any.... . Xxx


Joan Parker-moore

Go girl go.


Jackie Parkin

Go girl!!


Edna Hilditch

Good luck Fiona xx


Janis Singfield


Claire Green


Andrew Ward Mee