A memorial walk for Robbo
Combat Stress is the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health. For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict.
I’m taking on vital steps towards ensuring veterans can get the support they need.
Thank you so much for your support.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Carl Orme/ferne Estate

Paul Ponsonby

Karen Beer, Gilliam Ball, Harold Hyde, Margaret Hatcher & Jean Harris
Thanks to the following people who had contributed to this donation.

Paul K
Good luck Rachel from paul K

Paul Sheppard
Good luck to all taking part. Unfortunately I’m not available that weekend but wish you all the best of luck x

Adam Teecey
Good luck to everyone involved. Well done chaps and laddies xxx

Colin Hatton-smith
Good Luck Sweetheart!

Dominic Quigley
Good luck Louise

Kevin Howells

Alex Woodrow
Best of luck and well done on your challenge

John Moore
Well done troops, you did Robbo proud!

Clare Bottle
Such an important cause 👏 Good luck Louise

Graeme Caisley
Good luck - this donation is in exchange for Baz not whinging about his ‘poor little toes’ for the entire walk

Group Donation
Thank you for your donations: Jacob Williams, Steve Lees, Lizzy Revell, Kelly Hoares, Rob Clarke, Tina Cohen, Sandy Morgan, Jack Chaney. Also for your moral support, it really helped to keep me going

Ian Atkinson
Good luck Louise 👍

Ali Xxx
Those boots were made for walking … go sister go sister …. River deep mountain high …wishing all the team good luck with the sponsorship x

Mark Sims

Go Rachel, have a great time! X

Claudia Glasgow
Hope the weather is kind to you. Best wishes xxx

Alan Stephenson

Chirsty Bennett
Step by step! Best of luck.

Ali Holt
Big admiration for your dedication to this walk Rachey. Wishing you luck, strength and a blister free adventure xxx

John Barnes
Well done, Mo! A great cause and hope you enjoyed it, too!

Andrew, Brandy & Orla
Hope Baz doesn’t slow you down

Barney Stevens
Well done to you all

Doris Caisley
Good luck Mary. I hope everything goes to plan ! xx

Kevin Harry Loftus
Success Louise x

Rob Cochrane
Once you’re done, let’s get back in the pub! Good luck…

Kieren Hush

Janine Dickinson
Yo bitch! You only get this donation if Barry completes the walk….we want proof!! Love Janine & Scott xxx

Dave Roberts (hcmuk)
Good luck with your charity walk on 21st May, best wishes from everyone at HCMUK

Sorry couldn’t be there.

Elliot And Claire
Well done xxx

Dale Camsell
Happy to support this great cause. Go smash it Rachel!

Sheila Russel
Good luck Maureen . We know you will succeed and enjoy the weekend xx

Anisha Appleton

Stewart Lowe
Good luck in your trek

Elaine Stevens
All the best Maureen for your amazing challenge, we know you will do it! Lots of love Elaine, David & Helen xxx

Julie Chenery
Good luck Irene and well done with all your training

Good luck everyone x

Christina Worth
Go Girl! You’ll do it no problem T&J xx

Vince Wise
Remember the actual pain is short lived Irene. Brilliant cause, enjoy the day.

Karen Hamilton
A great cause Maureen - WELL DONE YOU and GOOD LUCK in the day! 🙏

Ian Kirke
Go girl!

Caz Allen
Well done Rachel - a great achievement! 🥳👏👏

Grant Phillips
Best of luck Louise, I know you’ll smash it 💪🏽

Best of luck sweetheart. You’re doing an amazing thing x

Good Luck

Well done, Maureen. Rita & Mike xx

Benjamin Redding
What a great cause! I'm sure you will complete the circuit Maureen, knowing how strong/determined you are, and your love of walking. Good luck, and enjoy the scenery. Ben x

Which one will you be the hare or the snail? Good luck to all the team Bradders xxx

David Gleghorn
Well done in advance Mary, brilliant work, you are an inspiration

Tracy Brairhwaite
Well done

Toni Ross
What a wonderful way to preserve Ian's memory. He would be so proud of how you keep going, you're a legend Mary!! Xxx

Good luck Mo!

Good Luck Rachel 🐾

Paula Barlow
Can’t even begin to find the words 😢

Jon Chambers
Go Rachel go!

Andy Brown

Katie Watson
You are a legend Mary x

Good luck Louise I know you will smash it :) hopefully my Magnums will help :) I’m proud of you as always, such a lovely thing to do xx

Deb & Nick Henry
We will be thinking of you Rachel, good luck.

Libby Wells
Proud of you Mary, and Your boy will be watching over You I’m sure. 🥰 Good luck . xxxx

Matthew James Reilly

Iain Brown
Hopefully this one goes to you Rachel, best of luck xx

Cliff Buck
Good luck ... love you x

Soph And Rach
Congratulations!! Such a brilliant cause x

Darren Tucker
Good luck Mary, this is a cause dear to my heart as I nearly lost my brother to PTSD.

Jilly Styles
Best of luck raising funds for this great cause darling sparrowlegs xx

John Shawcross
Good luck Mary x

Alex Logan
Good luck Mary.

Colin Hoppe
All the best, Rachel. You just need to look after your feet, then keep moving them ... Easier said than done, but it sounds like you're well prepared !

Jonathan Stewart
Good look Richie for our brothers and sisters x

Michael Anderson
Good luck.

Jock Atkinson
Well done Si.....Get it Done, Brother.

Michael Grant

David Ralson
Good Luck Mr Brown and Team sorry i couldnt make it !

Stuart Morriss
Good luck Rachel x

John Raftery
Don’t forget to take your Sanatogen - you’re getting on a bit a now and you’re going to need it. And your Weetabix. Good luck!

Nick Mayell
I know what a determined person you are Maureen, so I'm confident you have got this in the bag. Lovely person and a lovely cause. Have a great day.

Helen Spooner

Kristy Clarke

Go for it Irene, you can do it!

Mark Whiteley
What a fantastic and amazing cause Nick ! Best of luck mate ♥️

Luke Carnell & Fam
Go get em Lou!

Good luck to all your teams

Christopher Nash

Leanne Theron

Chris Berry
Wishing you all the best - you've got this 👍

Christine Queen
Good luck for tomorrow bro! Proud of youl love Sis and David

Rosemary Hamilton
Good luck x

Ray Matton
Good luck on your walk. You have done so many miles in training with such determination. I am proud of you.

Tarnia Nebbitt
Good luck 😘

Iain Brown

Good luck x

Alan Hart
Good luck

Claire Baxter
You truly are wonderful and you are a ‘legend’. Privilege to know you! X

Mary Saint
Proud mam to be raising funds in Ian’s memory, and privileged to taking part in the challenge x

Barry Caisley
I'll be there with you step by step !

Tony Reeves
Good luck Rachel, great cause! X

Alan Dean

Mark Oscroft
Good luck Mary x

Simon Aldrich
Well Done Richy a fantastic charity

Mario Beale
Good luck

Ali Brown
Go Mam!!! Love you 😍

Martin Harris
Well done Irene x

Al Bolingbroke
Well done Mary, and good luck x

William Ridley
Best of luck tomorrow

Pippa Bowler

Andrew Robertson

Luke Hamilton
Good luck! x

Kevin Burk
You’re crazy … But I take my hat off to you 🎩!

Mick Dundee
Well done Rachel Good luck from Mick Dundee

Andy Norman

Julie And Mark Symes
Good luck, fantastic effort 😘

Dave Luscombe

Val & Dave Pope

Andrew Webb
Well done Rachel on doing this walk

Rebecca Tenniswood
Very impressive and a great cause. Looking forward to hearing how it goes. Big hugs, Bex

Ken Levy
Best of luck Rachel and keep me posted! xx

Ant Watkins
Well done Rachel!! Xx


Ann Meehan
Well done Maureen was thinking of you on the day x

Philly Blackett

Carolyn Adamson
Good luck and take in the beautiful sights along the way!

Elizabeth Nevens

Danny Wheadon
Wishing Maureen every success in this endeavour. Worthy cause.

Philip Emanuel
Good effort for a good cause.

Sue Barber
Good Luck Mary not that you need it. Proud of what you are doing cc

Mandy Wilson
Good luck maureen and all the team . Mandy Wilson

Clive Harris

Leigh Shackleton
All the very best Irene

Tracy H
Good luck with your challenge Mo ! You can do it. Xx

Keith Spouncer
Good Luck Rachel. I know you can do it. All my love x

Paddy Macbrant
Good look Louise Fantastic cause!

Sian & Stephie Pettman
Well done Rachel! Xxxxx

Val Heywood
Go Mary , know your going smash this, ! For a great cause ❤️Xx

Good luck all!

Adam Trevor
Good look Rachel.

Neil Salmon
Good effort mate. All the best 👍

Go Rachy!!! You can do it xxx

Jane Newick
Well done Rachel, a fantastic achievement 😄👏💗

Greg Nicholl

Jay & Nicky
Good luck Rach xx

Lee Sparks
All the best and good luck Rachel.

Kari Hawley
Go girl! Best of luck, though I am sure that you won’t need it.

Anne Woods
Amazing cause Mary 💕. Good luck, I've no doubt you will smash it 💕 xx

Glen And Afsaneh Beasleys Ait
We are cheering you all the way

Lynette Green
Well done Mary

Linda Emson
Very worth while cause have done marathons myself and know how tough it is

Clive Harris
Good luck Irene, I know you can do it. So proud of your commitment and passion to do this walk. Clive xx

Pauline Figuerola
You can do it 🤗

Anthea Young

Annmarie Grant
If it helps to save 1 life, it's worth it.

Karen Hyde

Nadine Barou
Go Rach! Will be thinking of you, may your godly power be with you on this occasion! ;-p xxx

Hannah Dixon
Good luck gorgeous! You’ll smash it! Great fundraiser for a great charity! Xx

Greg Hamilton
Gaun yersel as they say in Scotland

Customers Of The Red Lion Inn Alnmouth
We’ll done team!

David Harris
Great effort Richard 💪

Steve Dodson
Well done Irene x

Sarah Charlton
Good luck with your walk Mary! Take care x

The Hickman's
Well done Andy and everyone who took part!

Jo Spencer
Wishing you every success Irene, good luck xx

Becky Chesbrough
Lots of luck Lou xx

Sending love

Catherine Randell
Well done!

Ami Wootton
Good luck, plenty of fluids & good socks

Derek Saint
Good luck 👍

Karen Saint
Good luck Mary x

Peter Blazdell

Karen Belfield
A very worth while cause.

Yasmin Herrmann
Maureen, you go girl! Love Yas

Joe Baker
Good luck to everyone involved! What a great cause. ❤️

Ranjit Gautam
Great job for a great cause. Thank you and all the best.

Nicole Church
Good luck!! Xxx

Mrs Julie Newton
Good luck Louise, go smash it, so proud of you xxx

Yuly Sandoval
Keep walking 🥾 with a smile guapa! 😉

Clare Newell
Go my lovely Rachel! So proud of you. Lots of Love Clare xxxx

David John
Love your work

Good luck!

Steve & Isabelle
Enjoy the walk up there. Its great scenery. Good luck.

Good Luck Richy!

Dave Sanderson
Well done Mary take care

Sharon Smith
Good luck!

Mike Bird
Good luck Richy, well done

Donovan Blythe

Suzy Robertson
Go Mary, you are a true inspiration.

Go Rachel! All the best for your walk. D.

Emma Green
All the love and strength, breathe it all in and take care of those happy feet xx

Anna Raynsford
Good luck Rach, I’m sure our walk to and from the pub was crucial to the training plan 😆 Lots if love. Anna xx

Stephen Hartley
Good luck Mary x

Matt Wilby
Great effort and cause Lou, well done and good luck!

Anthea Simmons

Isabel Walters
Good luck Mary

Jo Adamson


Jon Parsell
Well done Rachel..

Anthony Seghini
Good luck Mary!

Tracey Thompson
Good luck Mary very worthy cause ,Ian has one strong minded mama to be proud of xx

Shaun Jones
Good luck Andy and team

Amberlie Baker

Jon Orritt
Good luck mate

Gary Horwood
Good luck.

Bill Taylor

Ashley Dawson

Richy Blythe
I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t donate myself.

Philip Hogg
Good luck Mary 👍x

Criss Cross
Good Luck Rachel From Chris

Kerry Cafferty
My amazing colleague Mary. You are a true inspiration and thought of so dearly by a number of people- especially me. Keep up all your great walks and adventures lots of love xx

Ann Glenton
Well done Mary lots of love and best wishes

Samuel Hamilton
Good luck cuz! x

Well done, sounds like the training is going well

Judith And Alison
Good luck Mary from Judith and Alison x

Bernice Carter
Well done Rach! Xx

Charlie Hamilton
To my sweet cousin, you make us all so proud. I hope it goes really well and congratulations on doing it for such a worthy cause. Love, C

Peter Morgan
Good luck Auntie Irene!

Gill Lawn
Well done Richy, good luck x

Elaine & Barry Harris
Well done Irene, great job :)


Jackie Smith
Good luck maureen and team from Jackie and pete

You got this!!

Rachel Bell
Well done Mary xx

Thinking of you all on this day. Well done

Lizzie Jerdan
Well done Mary x

Good luck Mary Jx ❤️

Robert Norman
Well done Auntie Irene x

Alex Lewis
Well done

Jen Muir

Zoe Lamb
Good luck Rachel and Mo. I hope the weather holds out for you but isn't too hot! Love Zoe xx

Demi Patterson

Simone & Marlon

Mason & Bobby

Marjorie Phillips


Done cousin

Alli Hunter
Amazing Rachel good on you!

David Ross
Good luck wee beef.

Mick Glaister
Good Luck

Sarah Stubbs
Good luck Irene xx


Danielle Bibby
Good luck Mary x


Ian Butterworth

Beth Benneyworth
Good luck 👍

Good luck all. Sorry I couldn’t make the walk. Donation on behalf of the estate