Thomas Spillane


My Activity Tracking


My target 250 kms


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In March this year, my old mate Oly and my sister Emily and the family sponsored me to walk, run or jog for Combat Stress and I achieved over 10 miles.

Between them, they hit the my fundraising target and then some more and I am thrilled to say a generous donation has been made today for CycleSeptember, raising huge hope for everyone that those who are seeking support with their experiences of serving in the armed forces will be able to access resources that are tailored to them. 
I compel anyone to support the aims of because these veterans might see an improvement and personally having already participated in MarchInMarch I knew my input mattered, due to the updates I received and the free medal I was awarded.
When the medal arrived in the post it made me feel like I had won something, truthfully I think this has inspired me to celebrate all my achievements and be more positive about my contribution everyday.

I trust this charity and I think you should too because they are promoting a moral and ethical topic in an inclusive fundraising campaign.

Furthermore, did you know "it takes on average 13 years from leaving the military for a veteran to seek our help."   


I'm taking part in the Combat Stress CycleSeptember challenge!

I previously raised money in March!

(you may also like to visit my blog to hear more?)

Now during CycleSeptember I will be biking 250km for a good cause, that is again the Mental Health treatment for ex-servicemen and women who could have:




a disorder

and the money could go to a number of resources that they could access, from therapy sessions to a helpline.

Did you know? "Our charity helped nearly 12,500 veterans last year - but that's a fraction of the number that need expert support to recover from their experiences and live happy and productive lives."

Today any contribution would be fantastic. A charitable donation to CombatStress provides support to veterans from every service and every conflict. Here's a link Combat Stress : How you help you might like to read.

The Mental Health services that are available to the public rely on secondary services like CombatStress to support patients outside of the primary care inpatients that stay on the wards. Services are always stretched and this is a direct way of helping veterans of the Armed Forces in England and Wales.

Thank you for your time.


Thank you to my Sponsors


David Spillane

Well done Tom, great cause.