Jake Baker

Please Donate What You Can

In September 2023 whilst on holiday in Crete, I took a one day break from worshipping the sun and decided to walk the Samaria Gorge instead; it is one of the longest gorges in Europe, around 9 miles long and begins at 1,230m above sea level taking about 6 hours to complete as it is a steep, twisty and rocky descent with uneven footpaths along the way with wooden railings at the dodgy parts. Even though we were out in the sticks, we not only respected the environment forestry-wise, but were asked to not shout or scream (save for wanting to be rescued or having to use the whistle!) because we would scare the Kri Kri (Cretan goats) which may cause rock fall and worse. The scenery is stunning, especially when looking across the mountains. There is such a variety of plants and flowers as you descend to the floor of the gorge amongst the trees and pines; it just blows you away and the heat, even in the shade, is stifling – hydration is so important. Near the end of the walk, we went through the ruins of Samaria, a 14th century village with the latter mile or so becoming easier. The glass of beer I downed afterwards was simply paradise - Yamas!

What did I learn from this great, but unusual experience and in the middle of my holiday? My wife enjoyed a good few quiet hours, for sure. Jesting aside, I was not as fit as I thought and at one point at one of the few rest stations, I took a 20-minute rest and drank all the water I could take on board.

Now the festive season is well behind us, we will be meeting up for regular walks of 10+ miles because that is crucial and will help us keep on top of the game, not to mention a much looked forward and favourable change of seasonal weather.

We cannot thank you enough for your sponsorship; we are so looking forward to doing our part in honouring those who didn’t come home and experiencing what we know will be an amazing commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings off Normandy Beaches; after the event, we’ll tell you of our experiences of the D-Day 44 Challenge and in closing, we wish you a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year. The photo was taken whilst I was doing the Samaria Gorge Trek 😊

Support my D-Day Challenge

In honour of our forefathers as well as current servicemen who have bravely fought to protect our way of life, I will be taking on the D-Day Challenge to raise vital funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

The D-Day 44 Challenge commemorates the 1944 Allied invasion of occupied France. I will be heading to Normandy, to race across its picturesque beaches, finishing at the historic Pegasus Bridge on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, 6 June 2024.

Combat Stress is the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health. For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict.

I’m taking on D-Day Challenge to help take vital strides towards ensuring veterans can get the support they need.

Thank you so much for your support.

My Achievements

Created a Team

Uploaded Profile Pic

Shared fundraising page

First Donation

Raised £250

Raised £500

Raised £750

Raised £1000

Reached Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Facebook Fundraising


Part 3 Chichester House

This is the third and final donation from the lovely kind residents of Chichester House boosted by £50 from M and £18 loose change found when clearing my late Mother's Flat.


Rosemarie Streeton


Pete Mccrone

This is the ideal opportunity for me to support you in memory of my dad (he would have 100 years old this year and landed in Normandy on D-Day +1) - so grateful for all of your efforts - all the best my friend!


Liz Newell

Wishing you and any others participating in the in the D-Day challenge every success . You are all fantastic well done x


Julia Roberts

What a hero you are Jake! Good luck and enjoy the challenge.


Northants Breakfast Club - June 2024

Northants Breakfast Club for Veterans held a BBQ today and celebrated HM The Kings Birthday and collected exactly £100 for us.


Kevin Brigginshaw


Offline Donations


Offline Donations


Alfred Lord Tennyson School

Teaching and Support Staff raised £75 for such a good cause. On D-Day one of the School Governor's phoned from Normandy Beaches. The pupils were excited to hear him as he said he saw HM The King.


Offline Donation


Offline Donation


Veterans' Breakfast Club


Gary Shaw

Have fun for a good cause


Thomas Nevin

Jake Great cause mate


Tony Roberts

Good luck to you and Steve. Nice to meet you both at breakfast


Kevin Griffin

Great cause Jake.


Isabella Okagbue

Good on you Jake!



Good luck Jake!


Lynne Baker

Go for it darling!


Amy Crawfurd

Best of luck Jake for a fantastic cause




Part 1 Chichester House

This is the first part of donations from the kind residents of Chichester House




Justin Burt

Goodluck with this Jake. Its a very honourable cause. Hope you and the family are all doing well. Cheers Justin


Helen Crichton

Well done Jake ! You are an amazing person for all you do for others.


Andrew Presland


John Gouldie

All the best Jake, we know that you can do it.


Anna Abel

Go Jake go!!


Barwick House

Donation from Jim, Bob, Ian and Mary


John & Caroline Hickingbotham

Go Jake Go you will meet your target no problem, a real worthy cause.


Ngozi Adi

I hope it went according to plan!


Peter Banks

Had problems initially finding your page, but got there in the end. Wish you well.


Greg J

Good Luck 🫡



Good work...hope it all goes well xxx


Offline Donations


Clive Dobbs

All the best Clive & Jan Dobbs


Shaun Hart


Peter Norman Barratt


Peter Middleton

Go team!


Hilary Hill

An amazing cause.


Mark Davie

Awsome Jake


Liza Thomas

Well done guys. Proud of you.


Ngozi Uche

Jake, great cause! Best of luck.


Marianne Mason

Such a worthwhile cause.


Alison Holmes

Best of luck, Jake.


Clare Hind

A fantastic cause Jake, enjoy. Best wishes Clare


Jill Haydon

Good luck and wishing you all the best with this great effort for in this D-Day Challenge, Jake! I am sure you will complete every step of this in style, for a very worthwhile cause.


Yvonne Adams

Wishing you and Steve all the best for your walk.


Zara Cunliffe

Go Jake!


Tim Daber

Best of luck.


Part 2 Chichester House

Part 2 Chichester House. This is the secon part of donations from the kind residents of Chichester House.


Dominic Goble


Linnet Smith


Kevin Haresign



Alan Armson


Angela Evans

Good luck Jake, I know you'll smash it!


Julian Cripps

Thank you for raising money for this great cause.


Steve Bennett

A great cause Jake and I’m sure you’ll smash it!


Graham & Sally

Here you go Jake


Nigel Exton


Penny Munro


James Rough

Good luck sir!!


Sue Pettitt

A great cause, wishing you all the best.



Awesome effort as always Jake!


Barry Collins

Hope you enjoy the walk Jake. Why not take a football with you.



Well done, Jake! Have a blister-free time!


Janet Auty


Marion Darnell

Good luck to all taking part


Jill Brown


Rejane Gass

Great Cause Jake! Good luck for the race!


Andrew Scarborough

Great work so far. Hope this helps a little.


Bob & Peter - Raf Association

Following the Announcement that Jake & Steve completed the Walk, Bob & Peter donated to take The Rushdenites over the £6K mark 😊


Maria Pegg


Catherine Young

Best of luck with the challenge


Mick & Sue

We wanted to give you a donation for the walk you did for the Normandy Veterans recently. We've been on holiday and now back


John Baker

Good luck Jake for this worthy cause


Harry Calder @ D-day 80

Having met and chatted as we approached Pegasus Bridge


Ken Roberts

Top bloke, well done Jake


Angela Wilson-north

Good Luck Jake - a very worthy cause!


Jose Kyprianou


Allison Bates

In honor of Jake Baker finishing the Samaria Gorge in Crete!


Jake Baker

Ok, we have lift off 🤣


Tony Samra

It's only 44 BFT's mate.....👍🏽


Rebecca Crane


Katrina Fox


Megan Graham

Good luck


From The Tucks

Good luck from the Tucks


Jim Muir

See you there Jake



Sorry for this delayed response. Finally got there. Well done to you and the team 👏


Kenneth Roberts

Doing a great job


Mandy Mcmahon

Good luck Jake


Stephen Westlund


Clare Pearce

All the best Jake. You're doing this for the best of reasons, raising money for a much needed charity. Well done!


Ron Johnson

Good luck Jake!


Jake Baker


Andy Carter

Good on you Jake!


Amanda Beaty

Good luck!! - great charity…


Sarah Clarke

Good luck for tomorrow Jake, you and Steve are going to smash it. Such a great cause ☺️


Patricia Willmott.


Cathy @ The Cloisters

Here you go Jake


Rick Croot


Melanie Baker

Incredibly proud of you Dad & well done. Great cause & go for it!



Good luck jake and team you are doing amazing and a charity close to our hearts


Caroline Hancock

Very small amount but will donate more later on x well done Jake x


Steve The Young Rushdenite

Happy birthday