Chris Villar


My Activity Tracking


My target 500 kms

Days Ten & Eleven

Day Ten was a rest day.
Eleven featured a commute to work and back.
Then a very brisk 45km, this time on the stationary bike on the turbo trainer. Hard going.

Day Nine

Three rides today, The commute to work amounted two.
25km for the evening ride on the spin bike.

Day Eight

Ride to work and back. 4km total, small but it all counts.

Day Seven

Day off from work, but not from the bike!
40km in 99 minutes on the spin bike, with a few sprint sessions in for good (or bad) measure.
Despite the icelandic blast bringing temperatures down, the front door was open wide until 10pm, to cool the room. 

Day Six

Simple day - cycle commute to work and back.

Days Four & Five

Early to rise on the Wednesday, - 5km on the spin bike indoors. Pretty brisk pace. Cycle commute to work and back.
10km in the evening, again on the spin bike. 

Thursday evening saw a spin session completing 30km. 

Day Three

Tuesday comprised of a cycle commute to work in the morning, then a return trip home in the evening. 

Day Two

Up early and off around d the town. Loops of the main road means nearly 18km achieved in under an hour. Cool stuff. 

Day One

First of September sees a busy day at Woodlands. Keen to get started, a 10km ride on the spin bike sets things off 

I'm taking part in the Combat Stress CycleSeptember challenge!

This year I will be taking on CycleSeptember and cycling 500 kilometres to raise vital funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

Combat Stress is the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health. For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict.

I’m taking vital steps towards ensuring veterans can get the support they need.

Thank you so much for your support.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Becks Xx

So proud of you for taking this on to raise awareness of the important work to support the mental wellbeing of those who put themselves in harm’s way.


Andy Dover

All the Best Chris - Andy and Family 🚴😊👍🏻


Marie Rowe

Wishing you masses of luck and hope you enjoy the experience. Well done, have every faith that you will do it xxx


Chris Villar


Becky J