Island Walk

By Christine **

My Activity Tracking


My target 56 kms

That's it guys and girls! 🥳  Challrnge complete 🥳
We have completed the last of the challenge today 😁🐶
And what a beautiful day it is. The sun has been sticking her head above the hills , with the rays glinting off the water, and the sheep, ignoring the biting cold wind, are taking advantage of the rising sugars in the grass. 
  It may just be the euphoria of completion , but I have already started thinking 'what next?'😉
   Have a great day folks, Spring is just around the corner. 
Me and Meg out 😁🐶

Rain and pain

Not much to say today.
Boy did it rain. Poor Meg nearly disappeared in a puddle 😱🐶
Today's walk took around 4 1/2hrs, simply due to the thing I rarely mention: pain. However, it is part of this challenge. Wouldn't be a challenge if it was easy 👍
  Back home and an ice bath, followed later by a hot bath and I am almost human again 😁🐶
   Only 10 miles to go. Circumstances allowing , I hope to do the last leg on the main road, rather than the 'relative' safety of 'the loop'.
  Onwards and upwards folks 😁🐶

Going Forward

Just a little update.
Due to circumstances beyond my control. The last 15 or so miles have to be done differently.
    Meg and I will now walk these last miles using a loop from Blackwaterfoot , to the Rodden, then along by Torbeg, back to Blackwaterfoot.  If that loop is too difficult, we will use the Rodden, until the miles add up to the necessary amount.
   I am so sorry, and incredibly disappointed, that this is the situation, but I cannot risk my or, more importantly, Meg's well being. I hope you can all understand. 
  Thank you all for your support. 


Come rain, hail, snow or shine( sometimes all in one day) Arran is always beautiful

The geese have arrived

Not far now

As mentioned previously I sat out November, in respect for the Poppy Appeal.
Today I went back out. Snow and ice were not going to stop me. Make me even slower, yes, stop me no 🤣
Meg however had to sit this one out due to a poorly paw 🐶😔
I forgot to take my phone, out the car. So no photos from the walk, but there are a couple from after.
Thanks to those still following this.

Below is today's end point. Note the lack of ice, slush or snow 😁
4.8 miles done.

An update

Thank you for following Meg and me on this, please be aware we have only 19.7 miles to go.
    However, we will be stopping our walk for the next 3 weeks, and will finish our walk after this. This is to ensure we do not distract from Poppyscotland's collections and Remembrance Day/week
 The Harbour shop, Blackwaterfoot, The Parlour , Brodick, and the Wee Co, Brodick, have kindly taken collection tins. So anyone, who cannot access online donations can still give, if they wish.
   When we started I never imagined it would take this long. My existing conditions, together with illness, injury, and plain old getting older, has made this a bigger struggle than expected. However, it will be completed, and my head and soul will feel better for it. My body on the other hand will not thank me 🤣🚶‍♀️🐕  

Lamlash to Dippen(ish)

Bull by the horns time. Not far to go, so pushing on through. 6.9miles down today. 
Lots of cars but no-one to talk to. Hopefully the Team Combat Stress t-shirt on my backpack will draw some attention to the Charity 🙏
   Weather is on the change , but a dry day, if cooler. The trees have got their autumn coats on, and the sea is leaning more to grey , than the summer blue. Still beautiful 💖
   I've managed to hurt one of my feet again. Due to the damage, especially the nerve damage, caused by Service, I tend to just accept any pain as part and parcel of my usual pain. So, once again I didn't stop, if I stopped for pain , this wouldn't have started, let alone get finished.. I just kept to my mantra , "pain is a sensation, sensations are there to be enjoyed" and kept walking.
  Anyway , a few days rest, some padding on sole of foot, and I'll be back out. It's too close to the finish to stop now.
  A quick thank you to The Parlour , Brodick, for not just great pizza, but also for taking a collection tin. Much appreciated guys.💖👍
  Also thanks to Shannon  at the Wee Co, Brodick, who has also put a collection tin by the tills. 💖👍

A busy but easier walk

I know, it's been too long, but life interrupted my plans . 🤷‍♀️
So today we set off just outside Brodick. The plan being take it easy, talk to those who wanted to and get to Lamlash at some point.
  The plan actually stayed intact 😁
We met Adrienne McColl , from Recycle, Auchrannie Road, and Ross  , from Zoku, sitting out having a coffee and a chat.  So we stopped for a while, and chatted about what Meg and I are doing, and why. Thank you to both. Your donations and kind wishes are much appreciated 💖
   We then headed through Brodick, sooooo busy, but no more chats. Just me n my dog on a mission 😁🚶‍♀️🐕
   We used the forest track from the top of the brae. Big thanks to whoever maintains these tracks. 
  As we came into the start of Lamlash the rain returned. So I stopped to put Meg's jacket on her. Oh she does not like the rain 🤣
   Suddenly a lady popped out of a garden to ask if we were ok. When I explained what we were doing, she immediately invited us in for a cuppa. Who would refuse? 😁💖
  So massive thanks to Diana Hamilton and her hubbie Douglas. Although I am aware Meg got the invite not me 🤣 
  After overstaying my welcome, we headed, down the brae, into Lamlash. Meg got to run on the green. 
   Then it was back Brodick. Another six and a bit miles done 🚶‍♀️🐕👍

Day 4 Finish point

Today's blog will be written tomorrow 😁

Well tomorrow came and went ,without an update, but here it is now. 😁
Meg and I decided on spur of the moment to do the Sannox to Brodick part of the journey. Not sure Meg was overly impressed 🤣  However, at least it wasn't raining. I think that is about to change. ☔🌦☔
   We are now past the half way point, but it's definitely not all downhill from here. It is Arran after all 🤣
   A quick thank you to Stacey and Ruth from Red Door Brodick. The blister patches came into their own this time 😁👍
Also a thank you to Muriel Crockett, (for some reason my page won't let me thank you for your offline donation) I'll be seeing you soon as next leg will bring me through Lamlash 😁🚶‍♀️🐕

Day 3 finish point 4/9/22

This is our stop point on 4/9/22. In the beautiful village of Sannox. From here the island will become much more built upon and even more cars 😱 Thankfully there will be pavements through the villages. Hopefully, also people will stop and have a chat, and I can raise the profile of Combat Stress 👍🚶‍♀️🐕


The views are amazing

Those hills are hiiiigh!


Today's route, (following the A841, in case either Meg or I can't go any further, and need to wait for a lift),is our first inland path. It is not for the faint-hearted. 
  We started at the bus stop near the pier. Not long after we met Grace Gillespie, a Milngavie resident who was visiting her holiday home. She walked, and talked, with us for a while. A very interesting chat indeed about her grandfather, who was at Ypres, was a POW, and discharged with 'shell shock'.  What a coincidence!
     As we leave Lochranza the climb begins. Before us lies the highest point, for those walking the A841, in the north east of the island. Over a distance of approx 2 miles, the road rises from sea level to 667 ft. 
  Going up was hard enough, many times I thought 'why'? Then I remembered .  
Coming back down was just as difficult, if not more so. No matter how much I leaned back , into the hill, my toes have yet to stop screaming at me!😱👣
Anyway, enough moaning. Look at those hills, what a view. I've been all over the world, and I am still wowed by this island. The start of today's walk was at the edge of the glittering sea, then on to towering hills, with waterfalls, tumbling streams, and forests thrown in for good measure. Meg and I stopped to watch a herd of deer at one point. Whilst standing there I heard the call of a buzzard. I looked up, to see 3 of them circling something nearby.

  I couldn't have chosen a better place to do this challenge 💖

We'll have a lot of these

Lazy/recovery day today. Giving the body a chance to recover. The ice bath last night has helped a bit, but this is a marathon , not a sprint. 
  Meg and I will be back out again, soon. 🚶‍♀️🐕

Meg is tired

The views are great 😁👍

Day 2 finish Lochranza

 After a bit of a hiccup at the start , Meg and I are back on the road. Today I had to walk back from Pirnmill to Balliekine, as I couldn't get parked! 😮 So Pirnmill to Balliekine to Lochranza it was 😁🚶‍♀️🐕 Lots of cars and motorhomes around but no-one taking time to talk. Only exception was a Dutch tourist, who was walking the opposite direction, and stopped for a few minutes, to chat. It made a nice break.
 Sooooo, if you see us, take a minute and say hello 🙂 Oh and don't forget: please pass slow and wide 👍


Oops! I messed up 👣🩹🩹🩹

So yesterday was the start of the walk, but I messed up. I am the embodiment  of 'no sense, no feeling'. 🙄
My feet were a little uncomforable around the four mile point, but I ignored it , as it wasn't 'sore'. I have several MSK problems , as well as osteo and rheumatoid athritis, so I expected to be uncomfortable.They became more uncomfortable over the next 3 miles, and I continued to ignore, as they weren't 'sore'.
Here comes the moral of the story: if yor feet are even slightly uncomfortable, stop and check!
    I have managed to ignore blisters on the soles of my feet, to the extent the skin was hanging off, on balls and soles. 😱👣
  A big thank you to Shiskine surgery for seeing me this morning. And thank you to nurse Lynne for cleaning and dressing my poorly feet.
This means I am resting for a couple of days ( yes Lynn I know it should be longer 🤣) I will update when Meg and I start again 🚶‍♀️🐕

A quick thank you to those who have donated 🙏💖 
A special mention to Liz MacLean MBE, from the Co-op, who has offered to supply bottled water  for myself and Meg 💖🚶‍♀️🐕

Day 1 Finish 7.05 miles

I am raising vital funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

I am a Veteran injured in Service.  I intend walking round Arran for Combat Stress the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health  Due to my physical challenges I do not know how long it will take, but I will do it!

    Whilst Serving I was injured physically and mentally. I struggle with my physical injuries every day, but the most difficult injuries to get help with, are my mental health injuries.  This is where Combat Stress comes in.. 

   For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to Veterans from every service and every conflict.

Without Combat Stress many Veterans would not be here. So I’m literally taking vital steps towards ensuring  Veterans can get the support they need.

Thank you so much for your support.


My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Marie Murphy

You can do this!!


Big Co Brodick

A big thank you Liz MacLean and the Big Co Brodick, for support and donation.


Collette Adams


Fiona And David Brown


K And M Law

Good luck to both of you. We know you will do it.xx


Wee Co , Brodick


Jessica Alexander


David And Collette Napier

A massive thank you to David and Colette Napier, for their donation


The Pizza Parlour, Brodick


Bewitching Beauty

Brilliant Christine! Such a worthy cause.x


Janey Smith

All the very best in your challenge.


Sue Blades

Good luck Christine & Meg on your challenge. Inspired to hear about hidden battles lived with on a daily basis and the courage shown to highlight this.


Wilma Stark And Missy




Susie Thompson


Adrienne And Ross At Recycle And Zoku

Massive thanks to Adrienne at Recycle , and Ross at Zoku, Auchrannie Road, Brodick. Thanks for the donations and thanks for taking the time to let me talk about Combat Stress and why I am walking to raise funds 💖🚶‍♀️🐕


Samantha Jane Jackson

From the chair for a great cause.


Andie Robinson

A big thank you to my postie, Andy Robinson 😁🙏


Muriel And Flossie


Grace Gillespie

Today , at the start of today's walk, I met a very nice lady in Lochranza. Her name is Grace Gillespie. She lives in Milngavie, but is staying,at her holiday home in Catacol. I don't have an email for her to send a receipt for her donation, but I'm perhaps someone might read this and pass the thanks along. She told me all about her grandfather, how he was missing presumed dead at Ypres, how he had been a POW, and discharged suffering from 'shell shock'. As we parted company she gave me this £2 donation, for the cause. Thank you.