Darkest Day Challenge

By Simon Smith

My Activity Tracking


I am raising vital funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

The risk among former military personnel of committing suicide is higher than among either serving personnel or the general population, according to research in Australia, Canada, UK and the US. The risk is particularly high in veterans that joined  at a young age. 

This challenge, on the darkest day of the year, see’s people come together to put themselves into a very dark place through physical exertion. One hour before first light on 23rd Dec at approximately 0625, fundraisers are to start doing hill reps in the dark. As the hour goes on the pain and suffering will get worse, but at approximately 0725 dawn will break and the pain will end with the challenge stopping. The idea is that no matter how hard or low you feel, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. 

Fundraisers are asked to simply donate £10 to this page, complete the challenge and post it on the darkest day Strava group- https://www.strava.com/clubs/1195726

All proceeds will go to Combat Stress.

Combat Stress is the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health. For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict.

I’m taking on vital steps towards ensuring veterans can get the support they need.

Thank you so much for your support.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Conrad Lawson

Let’s do this again mate 👍🏻👍🏻


Si Smith


Verena Zimmer


Gwenda Jones

Good luck all!


Neil Turner