24 Hour walk in a GSR for Combat Stress

By Thomas Whitehead

My Activity Tracking


My target 55 kms

I am raising vital funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

Members of the Military Community in Chicksands, Bedfordshire, will undertake a 24-hour endurance walk wearing a military issue General Service Respirator, or GSR, (a gas mask, basically).

We will wear the GSR for the duration of the event, and wear patrol kit as well including webbing and patrol sacks. The GSR will obviously make the event far more difficult, but it also represents aspects of carrying a Mental Health condition, as so many of our comrades do. It will be restrictive, and can make you feel isolated at times when worn for so long. The patrol kit will represent the weight that is carried by all those who are suffering daily with the symptoms of mental health conditions, and will weigh us down more the longer we carry it. 

If you can donate anything to help our cause, thank you. If you can't, then any awareness you can raise around our event, Combat Stress, or even Mental Health issues in general, we would appreciate it hugely. 

Combat Stress is the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health. For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict.

I’m taking on vital steps towards ensuring veterans can get the support they need.

Thank you so much for your support.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors




David Saville

Well done - a very serious achievement




James Burkitt




Jon Seaton

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha This will hurt like fuck. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Sorry, I mean good luck mate. Great cause.


Christopher Gammond

Great cause, now get back to work.





Good luck Thomas and team! JC



Donation from WO & Sgts Mess Chicksands


Lee A

Good effort mate.


Steve H

Good luck mate.



Excellent effort. A very worthy cause.


Chloe & Harry

So proud of you!





Awesome effort Tommy!


Gav Ryder

Good luck buddy 🫶🏻


Corso Woods

Still bald and rats, well done mate! Absolutely outrageous effort!



Great job Tommy, dont forget to do your drinking drills!


Ruth Mcknight

Wee Mad Hom Titty - the positive impact you have on changing attitudes to mental health is an incredible inspiration to me and many people around you. You've lived it and you've smashed it! Good luck with this!!





Susan Walters

Another challenge Tom well done you're a star 🌟


Benjamin Bouchard


Harry W

Good luck and try not to die!



Snet from my iphnoe



Great effort. Well done!



Thank you to all that have been the backbone of our society x


Andrew Lonsdale

Remember to take your resi off when you finish this time.


Ricky Lafford


Stevie B

As promised, a further £24 on completion mate. Good job!! Weirdo..


Emma And Wayne

Keep going Tom so proud of you 🥰


Stevie B

£1 for every hour and a further £24 IF you complete..!!


Aegis Property Ltd

Good effort Tom 👌🇬🇧


Katie Fletcher


Scott Baron

Great work mate! 👊🏼



Good Luck!!


Damion Williams

Just keep imaging the soggy egg wraps at the finish line mate and you’re golden.




Ashley Roylance

Always a legend, through thick and thin, enjoy mate and good luck x Ash x


Katie B


Angela Davis

Best of luck Tom 👍 Good man!


Georgina Canning

Good luck Tom!!


Sunny Day

Best of luck on this absolutely honking evolution from the both of us.



We've just moved back here, thanks for a great families evening.


Tom E

Great cause Tommy.


Jo Fredriksen

Well done a great achievement!







Well worth it to raise funds for this cause!


Craig Cole

For a great cause! Good Luck!


Liam Jones

Good luck Tommy!