Got a question?

Have a look through our FAQ’s below and if you can’t find the answer you are looking for, email challenges@combatstress.org.uk or call 01372 587 140. We are here to help!

What time does Race to Remember start?

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The 76km ultra-run starts at 6am in Aldershot. The 36km walk starts at 9.00am and the 36km run starts at 10.30am in Petersfield. You must arrive and register 30 minutes before the start time.

For more timings, please read our event pack which is available to dowload from the 'Resources and Rewards' page.

Will there be transfers back to the start?

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As our finish line is next to Portsmouth Harbour station, we don't offer a transfer service back to the start. Trains depart regularly to both Petersfield and Aldershot.

Will this be a closed course?

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The course will be open to the public and to traffic, the event is fully supported by an event team and medics. The route will be marked and all runners will be tracked throughout. 

Are there cut off times for this event?

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The cut-off times for this event are listed below. If you are falling behind, don't worry, your Race to Remember is not over. You will be taken to the next break stop in one of our support vehicles to re-join the race.

from prev.
Walk Run
36km 36km 76km
Start 0     06:00
Lindford 22.5km     09:30
Liss Forest 9km     11:00
Petersfield 10km 09:00 10:30 12:30
Rowlands Castle 14km 12:00 14:30 14:30
Solent Way 7km 14:30 16:00 16:00
Hillsea Lagoon 7.5km 15:30 17:30 17:30
Portsmouth 6km 19:00 19:00 19:00

Will there be refreshments along the route?

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Yes, there are six break stops with food and refreshments for 76km participants and three for 36km participants. A detailed route map will be sent to all participants a week before the race.

Is there an age limit?

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We welcome participants aged 16 years and over. All under 18s will require written parental consent which should be sent to the Challenges team upon registering.

Is there a fundraising target?

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All charity place participants have a fundraising £375, we also encourage all own place fundraisers to raise what they can in support of veterans mental health. 

Will I receive a Combat Stress t-shirt?

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All own place participants will receive a technical T-shirt as part of their registration. Charity place participants will receive a technical T-shirt when they reach a set fundraising milestone. You can also find our technical T-shirts in our online shop.

Will I receive a Race to Remember medal?

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Absolutely! These will be given out at the finish line. 

How do I set up an online fundraising page?

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Your branded fundraising page was automatically created when you registered. Share your fundraising link with everyone you know - there's also a handy QR code linked to your page.

How do I pay in offline donations?

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If you have collected offline donations, there are a number of ways you can pay them in.

Put the money into your bank account and then add this onto your fundraising page - you must not opt in to Gift Aid if you choose this option.

Send a cheque made payable to “Combat Stress” to Race to Remember, Combat Stress, Tyrwhitt House, Oaklawn Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 0BX. Please don’t send cash through the post. If your supporters would like to opt into Gift Aid, please provide a completed sponsorship form with the donations.

To pay by phone please contact us on 01372 587 161 or email challenges@combatstress.org.uk or you can make a bank transfer straight into the Combat Stress account. Our account details are:

Account number: 00100013

Sort code: 60-00-01

Reference: Your name/R2R