Michael Rutherford


My Activity Tracking


My target 500 kms

Strength and Gratitude

**Combat Stress Charity 

As part of our month-long challenge to cover 1000 kms for the Combat Stress charity, I've just wrapped up an invigorating four days on the bike, covering 127 kilometers! Each pedal stroke has been a testament to the strength of our community and the incredible support we've received along the way.

**Day 1: Setting Off with Purpose**
The journey began with a powerful sense of purpose. I covered 64 kms, feeling the adrenaline rush as I hit the road. The morning air was crisp, and the sun was just rising, casting a golden hue over the landscape. Every kilometer was a reminder of why we’re doing this—to raise awareness and funds for those affected by combat stress.

**Day 2: Building Momentum**
On day two, I pushed myself to 30 kms. It was a tough ride, but knowing that so many of you are cheering me on kept me going. I encountered some challenging terrain, but the scenery and the feeling of accomplishment made it worthwhile. It was a day of reflection on the importance of supporting our veterans and their mental health.

**Day 3: Hitting My Stride**
By the third day, I felt stronger and more determined than ever. I managed to cover 30 kms again, and I truly began to embrace the journey. The camaraderie among fellow riders was palpable, and we shared stories that fueled our motivation. Each conversation reminded me that we’re all in this together, making a difference in the lives of those who have served.

**Day 4: A Grateful Heart**
Wrapping up this segment of the ride with 60 kms, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. The support from friends, family, and even strangers has been overwhelming. Every donation, message, and word of encouragement has propelled me forward. It’s incredible to see how we can come together for a cause that matters so much.

**Looking Ahead**
With 127 kms behind me and a total of 1000 kms to conquer, I’m feeling strong and ready for the challenges ahead. Thank you to everyone who has supported this journey so far. Your encouragement means the world to me and to those we are helping through the Combat Stress charity. Let’s keep the momentum going—together, we can make a difference!

'Pedals of Purpose: A Veteran's 1000km Journey for Charity'

"🚴‍♂️ Army Veteran | 25 years of service in the trenches of truck wheels🤣 and on the trails ( Motorways). Now trading in my boots for bike pedals as I gear up for a 1000km charity ride this September. Fueled by camaraderie and a passion for giving back, I'm on a mission to pedal my way to new horizons. Join me on this journey of resilience and purpose! 🌟"

I'm taking part in the Combat Stress CycleSeptember challenge!

This year I will be taking on CycleSeptember and cycling 1,000 kilometers to raise vital funds for life-changing mental health treatment for veterans.

Combat Stress is the UK's leading charity for veterans' mental health. For over a century, they've helped former servicemen and women deal with issues like trauma, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, they provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict.

I’m taking vital steps towards ensuring veterans can get the support they need.

Thank you so much for your support.

Thank you to my Sponsors


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